Sunday, November 21, 2010

Women Who Write, Westfield Chapter

Yesterday, I met with my fellow Women Who Write ladies. We meet every other Saturday at the Westfield Library. I tell you, these ladies keep me going! I learned a lot yesterday.

* Using any tense of feel is a no no!
* Contractions are ok for dialogue, but not for prose.
* Don't use was (seriously that's HARD!!!)
* And speaking of "seriously", adverbs are the ENEMY!
*Point of view- it was suggested I tighten up my "close third" POV

So much to learn...ah! But you know what? I enjoyed every second of it. I feel my writing getting stronger. I am just hoping to meet my January 1st deadline.

Finding the time to write is difficult with a 9 month old, but I steal moments every day, even if it's for 15 minutes. So far, I haven't gotten past chapter 5. I've decided to break up the backstory into smaller chapters. My original chapter 5 was a huge info dump!

And so I continue to plug away :-)

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